I've decided to give everyone a good glimpse into our lives I wanna do a series of posts about lessons I have learned in these first four months of motherhood. I have learned many new things and instead of just doing one long post, which I often have not enough time for.. I figured I would do a few shorter ones that each talk about different aspect of our lives right now.
All of these lessons were difficult to learn. And I am sure someone tried to tell me these things before I had Ethan but I probably wasn't really listening. I try very hardto l ive my life with no regrets, and looking back at mistakes only to help others. These lessons are things the Lord has taught me through a difficult process called motherhood. However, I would not trade these hard lessons for anything because they have made me who I am today and with each lesson I have learned to look to God for help, comfort, and support. Through the hard days I am daily reminded of my need for a Savior because of my own sin and weaknesses, and through that process I grow more thankful for what the Lord has done for me. Hopefully in sharing these lessons you will get an inside peek into our lives with Ethan, and maybe if you do not have kids yet you will take some of these lessons and learn from my mistakes.
Lesson #1 to follow soon.
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