Friday, March 9, 2012

Lesson # 1 - Before the Birth

There are many things I wish I had done before Ethan was born.  The biggest one is I wish I had spent more time planning and considering what and how I would raise Ethan.  I spent much time reading about the birth process, and I spent time touring the hospital, and setting up the nursery, and discussing who would come visit when, and what we would do for help in the weeks following.  But what about after that? Which style of parenting would I use??

Here are some of the questions I wish I had considered before.  Not that I would have an exact plan, but I do wish I had at least spent time reading, researching, talking to other parents, and really considering HOW I would parent.

Would I feed on demand?

Would we rock to sleep?

Would we do cry it out?

What if he doesn't like the spot we think he will sleep?  What are acceptable alternatives?

When will we start a bed time routine?

Will I do a schedule or just whatever works each day?

Will we co sleep? Will he sleep in our room till he sleeps through the night or only until 8 weeks?

What age will we start solids? 

Will I make my own baby food?

How often do I want to use a bottle? 

There are three books I've read some or all of when it comes mostly to sleep.  Becoming Baby Wise, The Baby Whisperer, and recently the Sleep Solution (Side note: all of these books discuss that night time sleep is related to daytime activity so there is not one book just on sleep).  The reason for so many books? because my son is four months old and still wakes up most nights for a middle of the night feeding.   Something even our pediatrician says should be slowing down but as of right now seems to not be.  I can count on one hand the number of times he has slept 7 or more hours at once.

If I could do things again I would have spent time reading all of these books BEFORE Ethan was born, not when he was 4, 8, or 16 weeks old and I was exhausted and desperate for more sleep. 

Do I agree with everything in every book? No.  Is it possible to read too much? Yes.

One thing I have found is you can find something on the Internet to support any theory of parenting a baby you wish.. so be careful with the google, it'll just get you in trouble and focusing on all the things your baby isn't doing.

So my advice for pregnant friends?  Read the books but take it with a grain of salt.  I do believe knowledge is power, but don't stress if you change your mind when you meet your little one and find it very difficult to have a routine or let them cry it out. 

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