Wednesday, March 28, 2012


This week Ethan has finally learned to grab his feet.. he has been watching them and reaching and leaning towards them for many weeks.  This week he has finally grabbed them, and now he does it ALL the time.  I love it, but it does make diapering a little more challenging.  Here are some pictures of Ethan and his new favorite toy.

"Hey, look what I got! Feet!!"

"Mom, I wanna put it in my mouth!"

"My toes are great for grabbing!"

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Going Dairy Free

One new aspect to my life with Ethan is that I have given up dairy.  We haven't really talked to the doctors about what we believe maybe a sensitivity, but we definitely notice a change in his sleeping and mood when I eat dairy.  At first I just stopped eating obvious signs of dairy (no cheese, milk, or butter).  However, since we are approaching the five month mark and he doesn't sleep through the night (sometimes four or five hours, but not even this is consistent) I decided to start reading labels and restrict myself to absolutely no dairy and see if this helps the sleep. Turns out, dairy is in EVERYTHING! I also stopped eating chocolate shortly  after he was born because he always seemed more wired after I ate chocolate, and as most chocolate has dairy in it, turns out I wouldn't be able to eat it anyways.  It can take a few weeks for the protein of the milk (the part that causes problems) to be fully out of my system, so I will let you know if this experiment works in a few weeks.  For those that are wondering, here are some things I can eat (For those that know me well I have STRONG sweet tooth.. and that apple just doesn't do it sometimes)

Golden Oreos - No chocolate and no dairy!!
Nutter Butters are also dairy free!
Breakfast I eat oatmeal.  For lunch usually leftovers.  Luckily dinners haven't been too hard, seeing as my husband isn't really a casserole with cheese mixed in kinda person anyways. 

About once a week I make these really good oatmeal bars.  Its super easy, you just take 2 ripe bananas, 2 cuts of old fashioned oats, 1/4 cup raisins (or any dried fruit you like), and 1/4 cup nuts (and kind you liked, chopped up).  This is the basic recipe, you mix everything and bake in a square glass pan for 30 minutes on 350.  This provides lots of nutrition plus is dairy free, good for breakfast or a quick snack, and oatmeal is very good for milk supply. 

From the basic recipe I love to add a little brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla.  I've also tried adding peanut butter and if you can eat it you can add chocolate chips, or anything really that you would put in cookies. 

There is also a molasses cookie recipe that I really want to make that is dairy free.  Turns out Crisco is a dairy free ingredient, as is butter flavored Crisco, so you can look for baking recipes that use these ingredients in place of butter for the fat.

When it comes to mexican food instead of cheese I put this yummy mango salsa on it and that helps. This was probably the hardest adjustment.  Who doesn't love cheese on tacos and fajitias??

The hardest part is when we go out to eat or to church functions with food.  But the good side is I am continuing to lose weight.. I now weigh significantly less than when I got pregnant (which is great because I wasn't exactly the picture of healthiness when I got pregnant) Who knew pregnancy and child birth and nursing were the miracle diet I was looking for!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


This what the little man can do:

He grabs toys when you hold them near his hands. 
He can lift his chest some when on his tummy. 
He brings his hands together.
He smiles spontaneously and response to people.
He coos. 
He does this squeaky/giggle noise which is adorable!
He holds his head when held.
He can sit up with assistance.
He bears weight on his legs.
He has rolled over twice from back to stomach, but still does not do this consistently.
He is currently wearing 9 month sleepers, 12 month onesies and pants because his belly is so big.

All of these are wonderful considering the doctors have said that due to his rather large head size, he may do some things a little bit later than the average baby.

Last week we had his four month doctors visit and I'm not sure if I put it up here or not, but he is 19 pounds, 2 oz.  Which is the 90% percentile for weight (I think.. ).  His head circumference was in the >98% category.. but we knew that :)

His four month shots went much better than the last set.  He just cried for a couple minutes, calmed down when steve held him, then I fed him and he fell asleep. 

Took this shot today.. LOVE his smile.

Lesson # 2 - Trusting in God

Every day I have to trust God.  This was something God taught me through Ethan.  Yes, I knew it before I had him.  I needed him just as much each day before Ethan as after.  But somehow, through this little tiny person, it became more real to me than ever before.  And it continues to be real.  I need God to help my baby sleep.  I need Him to help me sleep.  I need Him to help my baby nurse well and grow strong.  I need Him to keep us healthy.  But more than all those physical needs, I have to trust God because there is no where else to put my trust.  No other way will make this work.  I will certainly fail.  I have failed in the past and I know I will fail again, because I am not perfect.  My husband will fail, because he is not perfect.  No one is perfect but God, and no one can help me do life expect the Lord.  He is the only thing that will help me on days when I feel exhausted and overwhelmed.  He is the only one who will help me have a good attitude when all I want to do is be angry at the world because my baby will not stop crying (even though really he has only been crying for 20 minutes, but in that tired moment it feels like a lifetime).  Do you know why I am able to go to Him for help and rest in my time of need? Because through my deepest need - the need for salvation - the Lord met it at the Cross. 

As we near Easter - Ethan's first Easter - I pray that not only will I daily remember my need for the Cross and what the Lord has done, but that one day my son will also recognize his own need for that salvation.  That somehow through my small imperfect life my son will see Jesus, and his need for Him.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Lesson # 1 - Before the Birth

There are many things I wish I had done before Ethan was born.  The biggest one is I wish I had spent more time planning and considering what and how I would raise Ethan.  I spent much time reading about the birth process, and I spent time touring the hospital, and setting up the nursery, and discussing who would come visit when, and what we would do for help in the weeks following.  But what about after that? Which style of parenting would I use??

Here are some of the questions I wish I had considered before.  Not that I would have an exact plan, but I do wish I had at least spent time reading, researching, talking to other parents, and really considering HOW I would parent.

Would I feed on demand?

Would we rock to sleep?

Would we do cry it out?

What if he doesn't like the spot we think he will sleep?  What are acceptable alternatives?

When will we start a bed time routine?

Will I do a schedule or just whatever works each day?

Will we co sleep? Will he sleep in our room till he sleeps through the night or only until 8 weeks?

What age will we start solids? 

Will I make my own baby food?

How often do I want to use a bottle? 

There are three books I've read some or all of when it comes mostly to sleep.  Becoming Baby Wise, The Baby Whisperer, and recently the Sleep Solution (Side note: all of these books discuss that night time sleep is related to daytime activity so there is not one book just on sleep).  The reason for so many books? because my son is four months old and still wakes up most nights for a middle of the night feeding.   Something even our pediatrician says should be slowing down but as of right now seems to not be.  I can count on one hand the number of times he has slept 7 or more hours at once.

If I could do things again I would have spent time reading all of these books BEFORE Ethan was born, not when he was 4, 8, or 16 weeks old and I was exhausted and desperate for more sleep. 

Do I agree with everything in every book? No.  Is it possible to read too much? Yes.

One thing I have found is you can find something on the Internet to support any theory of parenting a baby you wish.. so be careful with the google, it'll just get you in trouble and focusing on all the things your baby isn't doing.

So my advice for pregnant friends?  Read the books but take it with a grain of salt.  I do believe knowledge is power, but don't stress if you change your mind when you meet your little one and find it very difficult to have a routine or let them cry it out. 


I've decided to give everyone a good glimpse into our lives I wanna do a series of posts about lessons I have learned in these first four months of motherhood.  I have learned many new things and instead of just doing one long post, which I often have not enough time for.. I figured I would do a few shorter ones that each talk about different aspect of our lives right now. 

All of these lessons were difficult to learn.  And I am sure someone tried to tell me these things before I had Ethan but I probably wasn't really listening.  I try very hardto l ive my life with no regrets, and looking back at mistakes only to help others.  These lessons are things the Lord has taught me through a difficult process called motherhood.  However, I would not trade these hard lessons for anything because they have made me who I am today and with each lesson I have learned to look to God for help, comfort, and support.  Through the hard days I am daily reminded of my need for a Savior because of my own sin and weaknesses, and through that process I grow more thankful for what the Lord has done for me.  Hopefully in sharing these lessons you will get an inside peek into our lives with Ethan, and maybe if you do not have kids yet you will take some of these lessons and learn from my mistakes.

Lesson #1 to follow soon.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Update on Ethan's Brain

Okay.. I know this is about a week over due, but its been a very busy week.

A week ago Thursday Ethan had a follow up MRI because his head circumference grew about 2.5cm in one month, which is larger than what was expected.  We had the MRI in the morning, and saw the doctors immediately after (well, after a short feeding and a drive over to the hospital because the MRI was done in a separate facility).

We met with the nurse practitioner for the pediatric neurologist.  She showed us Ethan's MRIs and discussed the results.  The brain ventricles are enlarged the same as they were before, and there is fluid in the front of his brain, but its exactly the same as it was before. 

The doctors are confident that most likely Ethan has a conditioned called BESS (Benign Enlargement of the Subarachnoid Space).  This is a fancy term for.. he has a big head.  Babies with this usually show a jump across percentiles for head circumference somewhere between 4 and 6 months.  Ethan's presented a little earlier so we will need to monitor it a little more closely with at least one more MRI in May.  However, his MRI scans look the same as other babies with this condition.  The best part is there are no long term effects.  These babies grow up to be totally normal with larger than normal heads.  Ethan fits the profile of the condition with a family history of large heads on the father's side, and otherwise very normal development.  The doctors continually reassure us that he is a normal, happy, healthy baby.

We praise the Lord for a good report, great doctors, and a health facility like UVA so close!

Changing Boy

Ethan the day he came home.                                             Feb. 4th - 3 Months old.

4 Months

OK.  I am officially a terrible blogging mommy.  Apparently I was a great pregnant blogger, but now I am terrible at it. Sorry there have been no updates in a while.

What is really amazing is that tomorrow Ethan will be 4 months old.. Wow.. that happened fast, and yet the nights have been very very very long.

Many exciting things have been happening around here.  This week Ethan rolled from his back to his front, but he only did it one time, so it may have been a fluke.  He does get up on his side all the time now.  And he can kinda wiggle himself around in different directions.  He is finding his feet more and more and now loves to have them in the air.  Everyday we get to see more and more of his personality. 

This week we have been working on getting him to sleep in his crib.  Up until now he has basically slept in his carseat almost all the time, but our doctors really encouraged us that we need to kick that habit.  And somehow (by the grace of God) we have managed to not let him sleep in his carseat for almost a whole week.  The first night he woke up every 2.5 hours, but last night he went about 3.5.  At this rate I figure he'll be sleeping through the night at around.. 2 years old!! haha.. just kidding.  I know that in time he will sleep through the night.  Before we transitioned to the crib he was sleeping about 5 or 6 hours in a row most nights.  And about once a week went 7 or 8. 

He is definitely becoming a thumb sucker, and I think once he gets the hang of that he will sleep better.  He goes looking for it at night and ends up just rolling from his side, to his back, and back and forth until he gets fussy and frustrated.  Sometimes I can give him his paci and he will go back to sleep, but usually by this time he is hungry and just wants to eat. 

Now for the best part.. Pictures!!

This is one of the most recent pictures.. he is really lifting his head great now.

This was a few weeks ago.  He loves story time!