Monday, September 3, 2012

10 Months

Well I guess once a month updates is better than no updates...

Tomorrow Ethan turns ten months old.. that means that 5/6 of his first year will be over and in just a few weeks he will be one year old.. everyone who told me to enjoy every moment because it goes fast was right!

Here are some current stats..

He weighs over 24 lbs (probably about 24 lbs. 8oz at this point).

He is in mostly 18-24 month clothes.  He has a few 12 month that he still wears but its becoming more and more difficult.

He LOVES solids.. even bananas when they are ripe enough.  He feeds himself great (but extremely messy :)

He laughs, smiles, babbles all the time.

He can pull up and sit back down now. 

He cruises (holds onto furniture and walks).

This week he started doing my most favorite new thing.. gives kisses back.. he opens his mouth really wide and "kisses" you back when you kiss him.  It feels like he is eating your face but he gets the biggest grin and looks so proud of himself.. and it tickles the receiver.. I find it adorable.

He has two teeth (maybe a third too but they are so sharp I don't take to feeling his mouth everyday now).

Here is a picture from him swinging today.

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