Saturday, August 4, 2012

9 months in.. 9 months out!

Where has the time gone?? ( I'm sure I'll be saying that for many years to come).. today Ethan has been out of the womb for 9 months!

Here are some current stats (we went to the doctor on Thursday for his 9 month check up)

He weighs 23 lbs. 10 oz and is 29 inches long.  95-98 percentile for weight and 75th percentile for length. 

His head circumference grew just slightly and he is now on the "normal" curve, but at the 98% tile.  This is exactly what we expected and hoped for, since previously he was greater than 98% tile.

As far as development, this month he made huge leaps forward.  He now crawls on his belly, pushes up to all fours sometimes, can pull up to his knees regularly and has pulled to standing one time.

Last week he got his first tooth!

He now babbles mama, dada, baba, gigi and makes a range of other noises.. including laughing, screaming, and moaning.  He does not "call" us mama or dada.

He can feed himself somethings, but the pincher grasp is still a work in progress (this is picking things up with pointer finger and thumb).

Now for some random facts.. he loves applesauce, peaches, and nectarines.  He also will eat watermelon and cheerios.  He tolerates bananas, but its definitely  not his favorite.

His favorite time of day each day is when his father comes home.. he lights up like a Christmas tree everyday.

The number one thing people comment on? His smile! Everywhere we go people ask us "is he always this happy?" and comment, "what a beautiful smile" or "I have never seen such a happy baby".  We are so blessed to have a happy and social baby! He brings much joy to our lives.

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