Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Week 33

Sorry it has been a few weeks since I posted an update. It has been a very busy few weeks. This last Saturday the ladies from the my sunday school class at church hosted a baby shower for me and it was fabulous. My mother and father were able to come up for the weekend, and they were such an added blessing. We got many wonderful things from our church family and local Lynchburg friends. We feel truly blessed and thankful for every one's love and generosity. After the shower my mom and Steve helped me organize and temporarily put away everything, until the nursery is set up. Our nursery furniture (crib and changing table) have been ordered and should be here by this weekend!! We haven't really done any work in the nursery yet, but that will be the ongoing task all month.

Yesterday I went to the midwife office (I now go every two weeks for a standard check up, and at 36 weeks I begin going every week until I deliver). At these appointments they are just weighing me and checking the basics (size, baby heartbeat, etc.). They are the same they've been throughout pregnancy, but during the first two trimesters I went every 4 weeks. They are usually short - in and out in about 20 minutes - but very helpful as I have a chance to ask any questions that have come up. Everything has been healthy so far and once again my weight looks good (I gained 3 pounds in two weeks this time) and so was my blood pressure and baby's heartbeat.

As far as how I am feeling things are going okay. Yes, I feel very pregnant. But, for the most part I daily remind myself that it could be worse. Some days I don't feel so bad and have tons of energy and not much hurts, other days everything hurts. My feet have been swelling the more. The midwife even commented on the swelling, but did not seem overly concerned as I have no other problems and my blood pressure has been great throughout pregnancy. Sleep has definitely changed, on a good night I only wake up one time, on a difficult night it might be 3 or 4. But I've only had a few nights during the whole pregnancy in which sleep was became difficult to the point that I couldn't get back to sleep, and even on those nights I did sleep some.

Am I nesting? Some. It comes and goes. I definitely have this constant to do list in my head (which if you know me well.. before pregnancy I was NEVER a to do list person, and except in school I rarely worried about deadlines and getting things done). At this stage I really enjoy having things organized, but sometimes I am just too tired to work on it.

I am still working part time at the school. I work about 4 hours a day. This keeps me busy and on my feet most of those 4 hours (which probably contributes to the swelling). But I love the kids and I love the teachers.

Ethan moves all the time now. The midwife said this is a good sign that things are healthy. I think in the last few days he has been moving the most of the entire pregnancy. The movement has never kept me awake at night, and provides great entertainment throughout today. I've had a few friends be lucky enough to touch the belly when he was moving, and my parents this weekend enjoyed watching the belly move while they were hear this week. It certainly looks strange and feels strange, but at the same time reminds me that the life inside me is growing and getting ready to come out.

I still can not believe that soon Steve and I will be parents. The Lord has been so good to us. I feel so many things at once that I try not to dwell on it because I will get overwhelmed. I feel joy, excitement, concern, anticipation, and at the same totally unprepared for something that I can not even comprehend was is to come or what will happen. I know the Lord is preparing us and walking with us each day and that brings me great comfort and reassurance. I know that His grace sufficient for all things including circumstances that I can not wrap my mind around.

This is the latest picture of me from Sunday before church:

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