It has been a while since an update. The last few weeks have been busy, and I've now entered the third trimester!! What an exciting time, knowing that the birth is getting closer by the day. Recently the number one question I get asked is related to the nursery. Is it ready? Not even close. Right now the room that will be the nursery is our spare bedroom with a pile of baby stuff we got in the middle. In a few more weeks we will have another baby shower (on August 24th to be exact), at our church in Lynchburg. Once this happens we will know exactly what is left to get, and what we really need. At this point we've gotten many great things, but we still have no diapers and no bottles. There are some other things, but those are two of the major things we will need when we bring the baby home. I plan on nursing, but you never know what will happen so its good to have a least a couple bottles on hand just in case.
The changes happening with me are simple, I'm getting bigger and more tired by the day. The third trimester fatigue is definitely getting stronger. I had a lot of energy during the second, and now I'm back to being tired a lot.. I'm also not sleeping as well, but thats to be expected.
Baby Ethan moves a lot. He usually moves before I eat, after I eat, and if I accidentially roll on too my belly at night, he'll start kicking.
At 28 weeks I had a doctors appointment. Now I will go every two weeks, so I am scheduled to again Tuesday afternoon. On the last appointment I had my glucose tolearance test to test for gestational diabeties. The test came back negative, meaning I do not have it. An hour after drinking a specific sugar drink my sugar level was 96 (this is very good, and completely normal). They also tested my blood again to make sure I'm not anemic, and that also came back negative. These were both standard tests they do for all pregnant women at 28 weeks. And I'm clear in both areas, so praise the Lord, so far I've had not complications with the pregnancy. My weight also looks good, and is in the normal range.
While I have moments of being uncomfortable, and I am thankful that the pregnancy has made it this far and that I am still pregnant at this point. We only have about 10 weeks left to full term! Hopefully the next update won't be in 3 weeks.
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