Saturday, June 18, 2011

Quick Update

Okay, this one is going to be very quick, because I'm at the LU C-Lab and I need to go eat lunch (this baby is hungry).. Steve has our laptop today while covering a basketball tournament in Charlottesville which is about an hour away.. he'll be home later tonight.

Anyways, two new things have happened in the last week. One, I've had an on and off pain in my left hip. Based on my online research (no surprise that I went online and googled it.. haha).. and some advice/comments from friends who've been there.. we've determined its sciatic nerve. This is very common, nothing to worry about, just an issue that happens in a lot of pregnancies. It comes and goes (today is a good day with zero pain) and most often happens at night, after I've sitting for a long time, and hurts when I get up and walk. It is better today, but we never know what tomorrow will bring.

The belly is getting better and I'm slowing acquiring more maternity clothes. I hope to have a new picture up in the next week.

This week I also think (not sure) that I felt the first baby movements. It hasn't happened everyday, some days its more than others, but sometimes it just feels like gas and other times its like a fluttering, and other times its indescribable. Steve still thinks that I maybe imagining it or that I just REALLY want to feel the baby move. Either way, I've definitely been feeling more pregnant and more connected to this baby.

One last thought. I've been working at a preschool for the summer working with two years old and they can be a challenge. Some days I think, wow, I can't believe I will have one of these of my own to care for all the time. Then moments come (usually during their nap time) when I think.. wow.. I really love these kids and I've known them for 2 weeks.. how much more will I love my own child?? Its an overwhelming thought.. but it makes me even more excited for the months and years ahead.

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