Saturday, May 7, 2011

13 Weeks

Well... today marks completion of 13 weeks.. based on my research I think sometime between today and Tuesday I am officially in the 2nd Trimester!!.. I have been feeling better and my energy is coming back some.. here are a list of highlights from this week:

-Great Doctor's visit: Blood work is all normal. Heard baby's heart beat!! I am Rh negative and will need a few shots to counter this. Its nothing to be concerned about, and is very normal. (I know several friends who had this). My blood type is O negative. If your curious you can google it.. I may blog more about this as time goes on.

-Bought first maternity clothes! (pants, swim suit, shirt, and dress)

-Received my first Mother's Day card (thanks to my mother-in-law and Steve's Aunt)

Overall it was a great week and I am really excited about graduating in a week!

The Lord has been very good to us and I feel very blessed at this time in our life. His kindness and goodness to us is overwhelming. When I sit and think about all the things he is doing in our lives right now I feel blessed beyond anything I deserve. I am so thankful to Him for walking with us each day, and for the greatness of His love and mercy.

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