Wednesday, November 20, 2013

We are still here..

Well since I've posted here we've moved across town, our little man turned 2, and we are in final prep stages for our little girl to arrive.

But really what I'm currently most excited about is the explosion of vocabulary in my just turned 2 year old!

So here is a list of some of his words. Make sure you hear them in your head with missing syllables and mumbling in a cute toddler voice.

Mess (probably his favorite)
Pink (which is pancake)
change (as in, diaper change)
thank you
Comin' (which is either a command.. you come with me!, or an explanation, I'm coming!.. haha..)

there are more, but thats what I could think of off the top of my head.. He also puts 2 and 3 words together

I want ____ .
I'm ready!
sit up

This is one of my favorite stages and it is so nice to be able to communicate with Ethan.  We are so blessed and thankful that he is reaching this milestone and saying new words everyday!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Hello.. we need a lifeline!

This blog needs a serious update (or maybe some CPR).  So, here goes the last four months..

Baby #2
Did I mention we are expecting baby #2 in December? We found this out in the Spring and so far have had no complications.  It is a girl! Right now I am about 23 weeks along.  The official due date is December 11, but we are expecting anytime in December.
Baby Sister!

Ethan is a walking, running, energetic toddler. Right now he is 21 months old and He says  new word everyday.  Seriously, its awesome.  I am enjoying everyday with him.. even though some days its mostly tantrums all day.  He definitely has a will and is not afraid to express it! Ethan is also a great eater and eats almost everything we put in front of him.  His favorite foods are peaches, bananas, strawberries, corn, peas, blueberries, muffins, and donuts (I know, I know, but every mom has her weakness).  Sometimes on Saturdays Steve goes to our favorite local donut shop (where sometimes you stand in line for 30-45 minutes) and when he comes home with the bag (or box if we got a lot) Ethan gets super excited!!

This summer we also decided to sleep train Ethan.  While it has been a long, hard road, it has paid off with a child who finally sleeps through the night (11-12 hours) and goes down fairly easy.  This was not what I would call my ideal.. but I knew it was the only way for him to learn.  After almost two months he cries for a minute or two and then usually goes to sleep on his own.

This summer Steve went on a mission trip to Nicaragua and covered several basketball tournaments.  During his time away Ethan and I traveled home to the Hampton Roads area where we were able to spend sometime with family.  Ethan loved going to the pool, playing at grandma's house, and chasing the cats! We also spent a few days at aunt Shirley's house in Chesterfield where we went to the park and the local Children's Museum.

I am so thankful to the Lord everyday for His grace and comfort during pregnancy.  Of course, I have good days and bad days, but each day is truly a blessing and we are so thankful for this new life He has given us.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Meatloaf Recipe

This is not a food blog.. there will be no pictures of me baking or the finished product.  But today I wanted to share our meatloaf recipe.  We've made this and enjoyed this with so many of our friends that I thought I would post the recipe here.. so that anyone who wants the recipe has a place on the Internet to reference back too.

This recipe is from Steve's mom.. who got it from her mom.. who may have even gotten it from her mom.  It is our "go to" meatloaf and really the only one we make. 

If you asked Steve what he wanted for his last meal, this might make the top 5.  He LOVES it. The first year we were married I emailed his mother and got this recipe and made it for his birthday as a special surprise (it was the first recipe I got from his mom and started making).  Now that I am home it is a meal we make at least once a month.


1 lb. Ground Turkey
1 lb. Ground Beef
1 lb. Ground Pork
1 Envelope Onion Soup Mix (Lipton)
1 Egg
1/2 tsp Curry Powder
1 Tbsp Ketchup
1 Cup Plain Bread Crumbs (but I've been known to use Italian)

1 Onion Sliced
About 1 Cup BBQ Sauce
Grated Parmesan Cheese


1. Preheat Oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Mix the Turkey, Beef, Pork, Onion Soup Mix, Egg, Curry Powder, Ketchup, and Bread Crumbs together.  Form into a loaf. 

3. Put about half of the sliced Onion on the bottom of your pan of choice.  I use a Pampered Chef Deep Covered Baker, But if you don't have a good deep pan with a lid, just use a big baking dish  cover with tin foil (you can also line the pan with tin foil to help with clean up).  Just try and keep the tin foil from touching the top (to help with the crust).

4.  Put the meatloaf you formed on top of the onion.  Placed the other half of the onion on the top of the meatloaf.  Top with BBQ Sauce, the Parmesan Cheese, and then Oregano.  We just sprinkle a very generous amount of each. 

5.  If you use foil make sure bottom, sides, and top are covered with foil completely. 

6.  Bake at 350 for 3 hours.  Let rest for 10 minutes before slicing.

Tip: To help get a nice crust we like to drain any grease after 1.5 hour, and add more BBQ sauce to the top at that time.  It also depends on the fat content of the meat you use.  If you use all very lean meat there will not be very much grease draining out. 

I hope you enjoy this recipe!


Yesterday Ethan turned 17 months old.. and today I found another tooth!! This one is further back in his mouth.. good  news is sleep has been okay the last week though he has been more cranky and tired during the day.

This winter we've had several snow storms.. including some snow yesterday!! yesterdays was a sleet/snow/ice mixture and melted very quickly, but it was very strange to watch it fall from the sky.

Ethan says hi and waves hello and good bye very well.

He can sign a few words.  Eat, Nurse, Please, and More are his favorites.  He can follow simple directions and loves to help around the house.  He can help unload the dishwasher (clean or dirty ;), he can put his dirty clothes away, "help" clean up toys, and loves to pretend to wipe the floor and furniture. 

He is currently in size 24 months, and 2T clothing!

The last weight we got was for his 15 month check up he was 26 pounds. 

Last week we celebrated Easter.. Ethan had his first Easter Egg Hunt and we went to church on Sunday.  At LU Monday after Easter is a holiday for staff so Steve had Monday off.. it was a very nice time together has a family.

Here are some recent pictures

Saturday, January 5, 2013


I could probably do 3 or 4 post about Christmas, but knowing me I will start with a part 1 and never get to parts 2, 3, and 4.. so here is some and there maybe more later, or there may not.. just depends on me, time, and what else happens over the next few days.  With a toddler in the house (still adjusting to using that adjective) you never know what will happen!

We left for Hampton the Saturday before Christmas.  On Sunday we celebrated with my immediate family (we pretended it was Christmas day.. ate a late breakfast, then a lunch, then opened presents).  Christmas Eve we celebrated with Steve's family.  The downside to the week was Steve's work schedule, so he had to leave to drive back to Lynchburg Christmas day, while Ethan and I stayed with my family for the rest of the week.  Steve drove back to Hampton Friday evening, and we celebrated Christmas with my extended family the Saturday before New Years.  Then we drove back to Lynchburg Sunday morning. 

At Church on Christmas Eve

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Ethan is a "Toddler"

Sorry for the absence over the last month.  Christmas took over in a major way this year.. and keeping up with Ethan is keeping me busier than ever! Now that the holidays are officially over (so sad) I thought I should do some blog updates.. I hope to be able to do several updates over the next few weeks including pictures and fun times from Thanksgiving and Christmas.

But first the most exciting thing happened while we were home for Christmas.. Ethan began walking.  When I say walking I mean, more than 4 or 5 consecutive steps with no support!! He has been taking 2 or 3 steps on his own at a time, but never more than a foot or two in traveling distant..  one day while home my mother was watching and she comes running.. "Jen, Jen, you missed it.. Ethan just walked across the room!!!" That was Thursday and in the next day it became a constant part of his movement.. now he does it all the time everyday.. so I guess he is officially a walker.  Like all his milestones everything seemed to click all at once and he got it.  After less than a week its already becoming "normal" (but its still exciting every time.. for now).

It is so exciting to watch him explore the world around him and accomplish  new skills.  This stage is so exciting, exhausting, and becoming more challenging with each day.

We are officially in toddlerhood.. ahhhh.. so scary for a first time mom.  So thankful I have the Lord walking with me during each new stage to give me wisdom and comfort in my time of need.