Wednesday, October 26, 2011

37.5 Weeks

Sorry we haven't updated in a few weeks. It has been busy and exciting. I hope to post some new pictures soon too.

A little over a week ago we had another ultrasound to check baby Ethan's size. At the midway ultrasound he measured long so to get a better idea of how big this boy is the midwives wanted to do another ultrasound. It was quickly decided that he is taking after his father already. The estimated weight, which can be off by a pound or more either way was 7 lbs 11 oz. This was when I was 36 weeks and 3 days. For those that are wondering a normal weight at that time would be around 6 pounds. I was also measured on the larger side, so we are officially in the borderline large baby area.. how exciting!! (can you sense the sarcasm). We are thankful to the Lord for a healthy baby and pregnancy so far.

There are no plans for a C-Section, but there is a possibility I will be induced. If labor has not begun on its own I will be induced around the due date. This could mean a little before or a little after the date (which is November 12th). They have said they will not let me go to 41 weeks which would be one week past the due date.  We are hopeful that the labor will begin on its own as usually labor progresses more quickly with less complications, but we are also excited that the end is in sight!

Are we ready for baby Ethan? Yes and No.  I do not have a bag packed, but this is difficult to do since most of the things I want to have at the hospital I use.  We do not have a typed out and printed birth plan, but this is on the short to do list.  We do have the carseat installed, but not inspected.  We have a little over half the baby clothes washed and put away in the nursery.  We have the pack and play set up in our bedroom which is where the baby will sleep for at least the first 4 to 6 weeks.  We are getting very excited to meet our son. 

How is Jen feeling? We've gone from good to fine.  I have most of the usual pregnancy complaints.  This week I am battling a sinus infection, but I am daily improving.  Overall I am healthy and excited to have a baby.

We are thankful to the Lord for all his blessing and we know that He is control of all the details and He will bring baby Ethan into the world when the time is right.  We are thankful that we have a loving Savior who guides each step and walks with us each day. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

35 Weeks

Well folks.. we are hitting the home stretch.. five weeks till the due date. The big question, are we ready? Easy answer - NO! We have lots to do to prepare and I don't think we could ever be ready for one of the biggest changes in our lives. Went to the doctor today. Everything looks great. I'm healthy and heard baby's heartbeat again! I'm sure many out there are curious but afraid to ask.. I've gained 27 pounds so far! Only 2 in the last 2 weeks which is great! I am hoping to come in under the 35 pound mark! The midwife did decide that after reviewing my chart and the stats from the ultrasound around week 22 that they do want to go ahead and do another ultrasound, so next Tuesday we will get to take another peak inside my womb.. I'm hoping they will do 3D and that this time he won't be so camera shy (besides, he should get use to having a camera in his face.. for I am sure there will be no shortage of picture taking after he makes his big debut!). This ultrasound is really just information gathering. We did not discuss how this could change labor/delivery and I don't think it will. No matter how big he seems on the ultrasound there is no way to know how labor will go (and this was expressed by the midwife earlier in the pregnancy). The midwife did not seem concerned and so we are not concerned. I believe this is just normal protocal for how big he measured on the previous ultrasound. Are we excited? YES! We can't wait to meet him outside of mommy's belly and see who he looks like and get to know his personality! We are thrilled!! It is strange to carry another person around with you all the time and to talk to him and have a relationship with him but not know what his face looks like... I can't wait to look him in the eye and formally meet him! Yes I've had all the usually pregnancy side effects.. swollen feet sometimes, swollen hands/fingers some days, not great sleep, heartburn, etc. However, I've been healthy and it could always be worse. The Lord is good and he has guided us step by step which I know He will continue to do.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

34 Weeks

6 weeks till my due date! Wow.. can't believe how fast time has gone by. This week we reach another milestone. The crib and changing table were delivered and assembled over the weekend. The spare bedroom has officially become the spare bedroom/nursery!! It feels great to know that the baby has a little home of his own now.. although there is still much to be done in the room. This is a picture of some of the progress. We plan on painting the room a different color sometime in the coming weeks.
My sister and her husband came up for the weekend and helped us with the room. It was a huge help and without them this would have taken us several days and many hours of frustration. We enjoyed a productive weekend mixed with moments of fun. No other changes with me. Feeling okay most days and Steve is being a great support to me. We are getting more excited everyday to welcome this new life into our family, although in many ways he already is a big part.